Holiday Shipping Deadlines

Need a framed photo or art print to arrive by Christmas? See below for delivery times and details on our e-gift cards.

Current Turnaround and Ship Times

  • Your framed photos and most art prints will ship 3 days from order date.
  • Custom frames take 2 days to create and ship.
  • Framed albums require 3 to 5 days.
  • eGift Cards are sent via email on the date of your choosing -- no shipping delays or wrapping required!

We ship using FedEx from New York, so take the above and add the number of transit days shown below based on your address. Typical FedEx holiday delays may add an extra day or two:

At checkout, there is a Special Instructions field which you can use to advise us of any deadlines. We will do our best to hit them, and will let you know if we're unable to do so for any given order. You can also check with us before ordering via the live chat on the site, or by sending an email to

Be sure to check out the Holiday Gift Guide for unique and personalized gifts covering everyone on your list!